To earn
the rank badge, Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts must complete Achievements found in their Handbook. The Achievements cover these
areas: God, Country, Family and Self.
There are
20 Activity Badges a Webelos Scout can earn. These are divided into 5 areas: Physical, Mental, Technology, Outdoor, and Community.
A pin is presented for completion of each Activity Badge.
in rank are presented at pack meetings and include Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges.
Akela is
the Cub Scout term for a leader - any leader - including den leaders, Cubmasters, teachers, parents, and any other adult the
Cub Scout looks up to.
of Light
This is
the highest award a boy can earn in Cub Scouting - also the ONLY (non-religious) award from Cub Scouts which can be worn on
a Boy Scout Uniform.
Arrow Points
are awarded to Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts for completion of electives beyond the Achievements covered for earning the Wolf or
Bear rank badge. A Gold Arrow Point is awarded for the first 10 electives; a Silver Arrow Point is awarded for each successive
10 electives completed.
An assistant
Cubmaster is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the Cubmaster with the pack program. You may have several assistant
Cubmasters. One of them might be the next Cubmaster.
Den Leader
An assistant
den leader is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the den leader with the den meetings.
Webelos leader
An assistant
Webelos leader is an adult (18 years or older) who assists the Webelos den leader with the den meetings.
Baden-Powell, Robert Stephenson Smyth
of the worldwide Scouting movement. Known as Lord Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the World.
These are
generally third grade Cub Scouts, who work on activities in the areas God, Country, Family and Self. Of the 24 possible Achievements,
they must complete a prescribed amount in each area, for a total of 12.
and Gold Banquet
A birthday
dinner for Scouting held by Cub Scout packs in February to celebrate the founding of the Boy Scouts of America in 1910 and
Cub Scouting in 1930.
Every boy
who joins Cub Scouts, who is not a Tiger, must first earn the Bobcat badge. Doing this, he learns the seven basic tenets of
Cub Scouting: the Promise, the Law of the Pack, the Sign, the Handshake, the Motto, the Salute, and what Webelos means.
Boy Scout
A Boy Scout
is between the ages of 11 and 18 and belongs to a Troop. Boy Scouting furthers the development of the boy through camping,
outdoor activities, skills development, and advancement. The Boy Scout advances through these ranks: Tenderfoot, Second Class,
First Class, Star, Life, then Eagle.
Boy Scouts
of America
The Boy
Scouts of America is a nationally chartered organization that encompasses Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Explorer Units, and Varsity
The monthly
magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America. There are two editions, one for Cub Scouts and one for Boy Scouts.
BSA Family Award
Family Award is earned by a Cub Scout and his family when they complete 10 activities in 12 months that are outlined in Cub
Scouting's BSA Family Activity Book.
BSA Family
These council-organized
overnight events involve more than one pack. The local council provides all elements of the outdoor experience, such as staffing,
food service, housing, and program. These are often referred to as parent or adventure weekends.
BSA Family
This program,
as outlined in Cub Scouting's BSA Family Activity Book, is a series of activities designed to help strengthen all families,
whether two-parent, single-parent, or nontraditional families. All family members are encouraged to participate and may earn
the BSA Family Award.
Character Connection
A reflection
discussion that addresses the thinking ("head"), feeling ("heart"), and behavior ("hand") experiences related to 12 core values.
Some special requirements in the boys' handbooks are designated as Character Connections and emphasize the core values. See
core values.
Chartered Organization
A chartered
organization is a community group - often a religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other organization - that sponsors
a Scouting unit, such as a Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, or Venturing crew. The Boy Scouts of America issues a charter
to each chartered organization, allowing them to use Scouting as part of their youth program.
renewal is the annual process during which the charter issued by BSA to your chartered organization is renewed. The pack committee
must help by verifying the list of boys and adults registered in the pack.
of Conduct
The Code
of Conduct helps your meetings run smoothly without disruption by getting the Cub or Webelos Scouts' agreement on what behavior
is acceptable.
This is
the group of adult volunteers who "run" the Pack. Any interested adult is welcome to attend Committee meetings.
core values defined in Cub Scouting to guide the development of character in boys: citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage,
faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, responsibility.
The Council
is an organization of professional Scouters that oversees all Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops and other units in an area.
Pack 161 is part of the Suffolk County Council.
When Webelos Scouts
become Boy Scouts: "Webelos crossover."
Cub Scout
A Cub Scout
is any member of Boy Scouts in first through fifth grade (or age 7 - 11).
Cub Scout
Academics and Sports Program
A supplemental
enrichment program that complements Cub Scouting. A pack may select any of the academic or sports subjects to pursue. Academics
or Sports belt loops and pins recognize Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts for participation.
Cub Scout
Day Camp
An organized
one- to five-day program for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts under certified leadership at an approved site, usually during
daylight or early evening hours, but not overnight.
Cub Scout
Used by
Cub Scouts, given with the right hand.
Cub Scout Den Leader
A registered member
of the pack, at least 21 years of age, who leads a Wolf or Bear Cub Scout den.
Cub Scout
“Do Your Best”.
Cub Scout
promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and to obey the Law of the Pack”.
Cub Scout
Resident Camp
An overnight camping
activity conducted by the council for Cub Scouts and/or Webelos Scouts and their parents.
Cub Scout
A hand salute made
by Cub Scouts.
Cub Scout
The Cub
Scout sign is used when Cub Scouts say the Cub Scout Promise and Law. The sign is also used to get the attention of any Cub
Scout group. To make the sign, hold up your right hand with the arm straight and first and middle fingers extended. The other
fingers and thumb are folded over into the palm.
The Cubmaster
is the chief adult volunteer leader and is responsible for monthly pack meetings, the program of the pack, and the operation
of the dens.
The Den
is a group of Cub Scouts who meet at regular intervals. Ideally, a den consists of 6 to 8 boys who are all working toward
the same rank.
Den Code
of Conduct
A set of
rules written by den members that establish standards for behavior.
Den Chief
A den chief
is a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer who serves as an activities assistant, helping the den leader with the den and
providing fun and interesting things for the boys to do.
Den Leader
A Cub Scout
Den Leader is an adult volunteer who leads a Cub Scout den, with the help of assistant den leaders and parents.
Den Meeting
Den Meetings are held for each rank level of Cub Scouts. These usually occur at a regular intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly.
Wolf and Bear dens work on fun projects, crafts, skits, or some of their Achievements. Webelos dens use this time to work
on the various Activity Badges.
The Cub
Scout denner is a den member elected by the den for a short period, usually one or two months. His responsibilities are determined
by the den leader and den chief. This might include helping to set up the den meeting place and cleanup; helping with games,
ceremonies, tricks, and puzzles; leading a song; or acting as den cheerleader. He should be given meaningful responsibilities
and recognition to help him learn how to be a leader, so all boys will look forward to their turn as denner. (The short term
of office is to give all boys the opportunity to serve. The shoulder cord is worn on the left shoulder.)
The Webelos
Scout denner is a Webelos Scout who has been elected by secret ballot by the Webelos den for a short term of office, usually
three to six months. His responsibilities are determined by the Webelos den leader and Webelos den chief, and might include
such things as leading ceremonies, preparing equipment, setting up the meeting room, greeting new boys and helping them get
acquainted, assisting with tricks and puzzles, or other worthwhile tasks.
Each Council
is divided into a number of Districts. Pack 161 is part of the Benjamin Tallmadge District.
A part of the Cub Scout
advancement program. There are 50 electives in Tiger Cub Handbook, 22 in the Wolf Cub Scout Book, and 24 in the Bear Cub Scout
Book. Boys receive recognition for completing electives.
Family Survey Sheet
An inventory
of family members' interests and abilities conducted by the Cub Scout pack to determine program potential.
Start Training
Adult volunteer leadership
training that immediately furnishes the information new leaders need to help them get started, understand what is expected
of them, and establish effective meeting patterns. Cub Scout Fast Start Training is available via video or approved council
Web sites.
of Scouting (FOS)
An annual opportunity
for Scouters and interested people in the community to be identified with the local council or National Council through their
financial support and influence in the expansion of the council program. Packs are usually asked to host an FOS presentation at a pack
Go See
A field trip or outing
conducted by a Tiger Cub den.
for the benefit of others. A den, a pack, or an individual Cub Scout may undertake a Good Turn project. goodwill fund. A budget
item for every Cub Scout pack.
to Safe Scouting
A unit
leader's guide for current policies and procedures for conducting safe activities. Available as a printed publication or on
the official BSA Web site (www.scouting org).
Each level
of Scouting has its own Handbook. The Handbook is ESSENTIAL for your Scout, as it spells out the requirements for advancement,
as well as providing a place to record completion of the same.
Recognition Emblem
A plastic
emblem worn by Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts to indicate how they are progressing in rank. Colored beads (yellow for Wolf, red
for Bear) are awarded for each three achievements a boy earns.
A ceremony recognizing
new Cub Scouts joining the pack.
Law of
the Pack
The Cub Scout follows
Akela. The Cub Scout helps the pack go. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
No Trace
recognized outdoor skills and ethics awareness program. Its guidelines should be followed at all times in the outdoors.
In a Living
Circle, Cub Scouts and leaders stand in a circle, left hands extended to the center, palm down.
Each person grasps the thumb of the person to their left, forming a complete circle of hands. The right hand is raised in
the Cub Scout sign. Pumping the left hands up and down, everyone says "Ah-KAY-la, we'll do our best."
activities are an important part of Cub Scouting. They can include hikes, picnics, games, and similar day events. Cub Scouts
can also participate in pack camping, in which each Cub Scout has family members present. Cub Scout day camp and resident
camp, as well as family camping opportunities, are also an important part of the program.
The whole
group - all of our dens and families together is called a Pack. The Pack usually meets once every month.
Pack activities
are additional activities and trips run by the pack.
The Pack
Committee is responsible for the operation of the pack, including planning, finances, records, activities, advancement, and
Den Leaders Meeting
A pack
leaders' meeting is held monthly to finalize details for the pack program and pack meeting for the current month, and to plan
upcoming months.
The pack
meeting is a monthly gathering of all the Tiger Cub, Cub Scout, and Webelos Scout dens in the pack, along with their families,
for recognition, fun, and program. Our Pack usually meets at Miller Avenue
Elementary School.
Field trips
are den or pack trips away from the usual meeting place. They can be as simple as a den trip to tour a local fast food restaurant
or as big as a bus trip to a museum or sports event. If you are going outside your own town, you must file a tour permit with
your local Boy Scouts of America council.
Program Kickoff
The annual
pack program is planned to lay out the themes and activities that will be used for the upcoming year. Monthly themes are chosen,
and most den and pack activities for the month relating to that theme. The annual Cub Scout Program Helps contains suggested
The Pinewood
Derby is an activity for all Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts. Boys build wooden race cars with adult assistance and race them
down pinewood tracks for prizes and trophies. Other similar activities are the raingutter regatta (boats) and space derby
Pow Wow
A Pow Wow
is an annual Cub Scout Leader learning extravaganza sponsored by the council. Check with council for a schedule.
Progress Toward Ranks Beads
Beads that
are added to the immediate recognition emblem. Yellow beads are awarded for every three Wolf achievements completed; red beads,
for every three Bear achievements completed.
Quality Unit Award
given each charter year to units that commit to and meet specified national standards. Only the most recently awarded patch
may be worn.
Raingutter Regatta
A pack
activity that involves making and racing model boats in a raingutter.
The Rank
Badges are: Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos.
include Wolf and Bear arrow points, Webelos activity badges, and non-advancement recognitions, such as Cub Scout Academics
and Sports belt loops, service stars, etc.
Each District
holds a monthly Roundtable meeting for all of its Boy Scout and Cub Scout leaders. The purpose of Roundtable is to help units
succeed by providing useful program ideas, information on policy, leadership training, and current information on upcoming
Council events and training opportunities. Roundtables are the best way to find out what's going on!
The Scout
sign is used when Webelos Scouts say the Scout Oath or Promise and Scout Law. To make the sign, raise the right hand, palm
forward, upper arm straight, and out to the side. The arm is bent at the elbow, forming a right angle. The three middle fingers
are held erect and the thumb covers the nail of the little finger.
Scouting Magazine
The official
magazine for all Scouters. It helps interpret the program, stimulate action, and motivate leaders to do a good job.
Scouting Movement
An idea
started by Lord Baden-Powell based on the conviction that boys can live up to a code of conduct and can develop themselves
physically, mentally, and spiritually through a program of activities and advancement challenges in association with other
boys under the leadership of adults.
projects are part of Cub Scouting's citizenship training. They can include service in the neighborhood, to the community,
or to the chartered organization.
A pin worn over the
left shirt pocket of the uniform to denote the number of years of service with the BSA.
The concept
of sharing leadership responsibilities in Tiger Cubs. Tiger Cub-adult partner teams take turns assuming the responsibility
of hosting a month of meetings.
Space Derby
A pack
activity that involves making and racing model spaceships.
The Boy
Scouts of America encourages the spiritual growth of its members but is absolutely nonsectarian and leaves decisions about
religion to each Cub Scout's family.
Each Unit
must have a sponsoring or chartering organization, such as a church, service club, etc. Pack 161 is sponsored by the Shoreham
Fire Department.
A monthly
theme is chosen by the pack committee, and most den and pack activities for the month relate to that theme. The annual Cub
Scout Program Helps contains themes suggested by the Boy Scouts of America.
The Tiger
Cub program is for first grade (or age 7) boys and their adult partners. There are five Tiger Cub achievement areas. The Tiger
Cub, working with his adult partner, completes 15 requirements within these areas to earn the Tiger Cub Badge. These requirements
consist of an exciting series of indoor and outdoor activities just right for a boy in the first grade.
Cub Motto
The Tiger
Cub motto is "Search, Discover, Share."
Cub Badge
The Tiger
Cub badge is awarded to a Tiger Cub when he completes 15 achievements in the Tiger Cub handbook.
Tiger Cub Belt Totem
A leather belt totem
that Tiger Cubs earn for learning the Tiger Cub motto, the Cub Scout sign, and the Cub Scout salute. Beads are later attached
to three thongs to indicate the boy's progress in advancement.
The adult
partner of a Tiger Cub, usually a family member, is the Tiger Partner.
A BSA Tour
Permit is required when a den or pack conducts an activity outside of its normal meeting place. Contact your council for tour
permit forms and instructions for approval.
Progress Beads
beads awarded to Tiger Cubs for completing 5 achievement requirements.
Track Beads
beads awarded to Tiger Cubs for completing 10 elective requirements.
Each individually
chartered Pack, Troop, Post or Lodge is a Unit.
means WE'll BE LOyal Scouts.
The Webelos
badge is awarded to a Webelos Scout who completes the requirements, which include activity badges and learning about Boy Scouting.
Den Leader
A Webelos
den leader is an adult volunteer who leads a Webelos Scout den, with the help of assistant Webelos den leaders and parents.
Leader Guide
The Webelos
Leader Guide has a suggested sequence of activity badges designed to help the boys earn the Webelos badge and Arrow of Light.
It also has suggested activities for each badge.
These are
fourth and fifth grade Cub Scouts, who work on up to 20 Activity Badges in the den setting. These activities are designed
to prepare the boys for the merit badge methodology utilized in Boy Scouts.
Scout Den
A Webelos
Scout den consists of six to eight Webelos Scouts with a Webelos den leader and assistants, as well as a Webelos den chief.
It meets every week at a time and place chosen by the Webelos den leader and parents.
These are
generally second grade Cub Scouts, who work on 12 Achievements, mostly in the home setting. Arrow Points are awarded for work
done on a multitude of electives.